Monday, January 30, 2012

Blogging Assignment #3

Godin gives us seven levers that can help to rebuild and reinvent ourselves outside of the normal lines of common society, a set of guidelines that could essentially set one out of the rest and make one unique instead of bland and boring. Out of the seven that Godin listed, three stuck out to me to be the most important of those he he listed: Acknowledge the Lizard, Make Art, and Be Generous. They all are connected fairly well in a way that I believe that they all play off one another. Acknowledging the lizard, or in simpler terms, coming to terms with the fear of being criticized or laughed at. Overcoming this will open many doors to us, most specifically, Making Art. Without the fear of being laughed at, we are open more to be creative and inspired and can make art that is wonderful and can even help others to overcome that instilled fear. Not being bogged down with that fear and openly pursuing your artistic abilities you can then Be Generous. Be generous to other artists who are still trying to overcome their own fear of being critiqued and show them support and help so you can spread the knowledge and greatness of unhindered art and beauty.


These three levers, Acknowledging the Lizard, Make Art, and Be Generous are very well connected to this blog in some very obvious ways.  Acknowledging the Lizard the most prominent of these three is a prominent theme throughout the many blog posts that I write. That primal sense and fear of being critiqued criticized and laughed at would make it incredibly and cripplingly difficult to write a blog about my opinions and views on these specific works and even sharing my own works. If I did not feel comfortable with myself and sharing my opinions this blog wouldn’t exist at all. But embracing that fear and pushing it aside I am able to share my work on the blog for other students to see, to let them comprehend how I see a specific work of literature or how I interpreted this week’s assignment. Without this fundamental foundation then the other two wouldn’t even be possible. Next, Make Art, is once again fairly obvious because this blog’s sole purpose is to make Art, maybe not in the sense of painting or drawing, but my writing, my opinions and my characters are all forms of art. My art shown on here can go on to also inspire other artists and writers and help to bring about a safe form of encouragement that would to Being Generous. Feeling so at ease sharing my work and opinions with little thought to being brazenly critiqued and laughed at I can help others who may not be so open to slowly transition into the same mindset.

But having these characteristics do not make me the better artist, or person in any way. It simply how I am able to view myself and my art but that does not make my work any better compared to someone who isn’t as open and at ease sharing as me. The fact that I embrace these facts only makes it easier for me to be an artist, makes it easier for me to get my work out in the open for others to see and praise or critique to better myself quicker, but by no means does it mean that the quiet artist who doesn’t share their artwork openly or as often has any less talent, but they are hindering themselves of being better artists than what they are already. I’m not better being open, but they could better themselves if they take the time and gain the courage to do all of the things explained in the first paragraph.

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