Sunday, January 29, 2012

Blogging Assignment #1

Daniel "Danny" Helm

Green denotes life, balance and well being which all encompass the very core of Daniel’s being. Still in the fervent prime of his youth Daniel has a lot of his life left ahead of him and in turn embraces his existence with passion dauntlessly and vigorously. Despite his age though Daniel is a very well balanced individual with a humble sense of morals and beliefs, a show of uncharacteristic humility and selflessness for his age that many don’t seem to be able to achieve in all their lifetime. He is selflessly dedicated to helping others less fortunate than him and will go willingly out of his way to help them, which adds to his well being. He is rather content with his life regardless of the adversaries he faces and the hardships, still lively and ready to embrace life. 

The contrast of vibrant light and a darker, shadowed light demonstrates that though Daniel’s intentions and outlook on life are noble and good, there is still always that lingering sense of darkness and human flaws that cloud his judgment. Daniel does everything that he can to be a good person but even his own flaws seem to get the best of him, such as his fiery temper, that sometimes gives him a very dark ambiance that gives other the impression he isn’t as good a person he really is. The darkness and light in this picture portrays how he constantly has to battle his own weaknesses and overcome them.

Like the sturdy oak Daniel is very set in his beliefs and morals and very unwavering in that sense. The same as a torrential storm cannot knock an ancient oak from its stance; neither can anything in Daniel’s life knock him from his own foundation. The symbolic meaning of this does take on a more physical meaning as Daniel’s figure is also very similar that of an oak tree. He is very large and bulky, has a thick broad chest and very muscular arms that seem to resemble the hefty fronds of the tree. 

Ezra Walker

Red is a strong color that conjures up a deep-seated feeling of war and hate which is the epitome of what and who Ezra is. Being complimented with black only further strongly portrays the darkness and evil that makes Walker the person he is. Red is also a very passionate color, passionate about what he is and what he believes, something that could be a good thing if it weren’t for Ezra’s corrupted world views and loose morals. He is essentially the exact opposite in the sense of what Daniel resembles. It only further makes sense to relate the color red with blood, which is something that Ezra doesn’t mind spilling.

There is little to no light that ever graces Ezra because he is solely and entirely represented and signified by darkness. He is essentially pure evil with no regard for human life and will do anything in his power to help himself, even if it means going through innocents to get to that point. Essentially there is not light whatsoever to Ezra and there really is no chance that there will be. He has no heart, no guidelines or semblance of humanity, which makes his work all the more easy for him because he has no consciousness that’d stop him. His heart is black, his soul is shadowed and he shows no remorse for hurting those he does for his own personal gain.

Ezra resembles a rock not only in his size and rather awkward and bulky build, but also he’s got just as much as sense as one too. Just like a boulder is rather sturdy, similarly to Daniel, but unlike Danny, Ezra is capable of being moved with the right amount of persuasion. Ezra is very, very strong and very bulky and is a worthy opponent and often others cannot even compare to his rather gigantic size. He is rarely ever defeated because of this fact. 

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